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Contact St-Pierre & Miquelon

4, rue de bourgogne
BP: 439
97500 Saint-Pierre and Miquelon

Phone: 05 08 41 91 41

Cell: 05 08 55 91 41

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Contact North America

Steven Delamaire

Cell: + 1-506-588-3456

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SIREN: 843.843.905

APE: 4638A

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What we do

Lobster from Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon is caught in a clean and rocky environment. The salinity rate of around 35g / l and the water temperature of around 12 to 14 degrees in summer, allow for a product of great freshness. Local fishing, regulated by quota, is carried out over two campaigns. The first from May to August, the second from October 15 to December 15.

Carried away by the current of the Gulf Stream and the Laurentian Channel, mussels, crabs and sea fleas, in abundance in the western part of Miquelon / Langlade, are first choice dishes for lobsters, and give their flesh a sweet taste. In the east, lobsters feed on small crustaceans. Sustainable management makes it possible to have large quantities of so-called "box" food.

Photo Homards.JPG
Carte Canada Bleu Rouge.png
Carte SPM Bleu Roge.png

Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon, the only French overseas territory in North America, is an archipelago of 242 km2 located 25 km from Newfoundland. It is made up of three main islands: Saint-Pierre, Miquelon and Langlade (connected by a sandy isthmus).

In images, in pictures ...

Ce que nous faison
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